Exclusive LIVE Event by Depesh Mandalia

Ready To Go Zuckercash Hunting?

Q4 Is a Money Making Machine. Time to Crack Meta Ads Open & Drink It Up!

Join me in this LIVE workshop where I share our battle plan and how we can help you build your own Q4 Meta Ads Cash Machine.

Wed 21st August 2024
9am PST,  12pm EST,  5pm GMT
(limited time replay sent to registrants only)

If You Have Run Meta Ads Before & Have a Physical or Digital Product To Sell, Listen Up...

Take an insider look at what 20 years of Q4 selling has taught me... and how I plan to tackle 2024 (with help from Meta).

(Q4 is the last 3 months of the year btw).

This workshop is for those promoting physical or digital products like Ecommerce, Courses, Coaches running ads for themselves or for clients or affiliate partners.

I'll show you how we run ads for our own offers as well as for clients in this 60-minute workshop covering what we call the "Q4-9 Process" to ensure you're READY and SCALING to end the year with a BANG!

I'll cover:

  • The September Action Plan to Maximise Success in Q4​​​​​​​

  • The Key Actions To Take From Our Ad Accounts & From Meta's Research To Nail Q4 Profits At Scale

  • How To Build Ad Campaigns The Easy Peasy Way Using AI & Why We're All In On AI Assisted Media Buying

  • Why Your Funnel Is Costing You Money & How To Break Free

  • The Pitfalls of Q4 And How To Avoid Being Fed To The Sharks (And Avoid Losing Profits)

Your Presenter:

  • Depesh Mandalia


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