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Qigong and the Intention of the Mind + Transcendental Meditation
Guest Daoishi Carl Taylor

About This Program

In Qigong, intention (Yi or I, 意) is the key to optimal Qi cultivation. It acts as the guiding force in cultivating, gathering, and managing Qi, the essential life energy. The mind's control over Qi is vital, and intention is the instrument that hones and directs this control. This article explores the critical role of intention in Qi cultivation and presents methods for effectively harvesting and nurturing Qi.
The Role of Intention with Qigong...

Directing Qi with the Mind...

Intention plays a crucial role in steering the flow of Qi within the body. By concentrating your thoughts on particular regions or channels, you can manoeuvre Qi to the desired locations. For example, in breathing practices, you may focus on guiding Qi towards your lower abdomen or through your meridians to enhance energy circulation.

Transcendental Meditation - Pure Bliss consciousness - ATMA (Self)

  • Sara Jane

    Webinar Host

  • Daoishi Carl Taylor

    Webinar Host

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