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What have we learnt? What is next?
In this webinar we explore how the pandemic has impacted teaching and learning from March 2020 to December 2021. We will explore the importance of EdTech and digital strategies and what lessons we have learnt regarding remote and blended learning.
We will also look at what's next in regards to preparing for next winter and discuss how Apple technology can support effective blended learning models, assessment for learning and enhancing student digital skills.
Mat Pullen
Mat is a Senior Lecturer at the University of South Wales where he works with pre-service teachers to develop their skills for education in the 21st Century. He has developed a series of projects that have enabled the students to see alternatives to their own professional development as they make a start on their careers in the classroom. Mat also works as an Apple Professional Learning specialist to support schools in their development of the use of Apple technology to integrate it into learning and teaching.
Jo Maule
After an initial career in the Royal Air Force, Jo moved into working in IT and eventually branched out into staff training, which gradually migrated into becoming a teacher. After running various IT courses for the local council and adult education, Jo became the E-Learning Manager for Talbot Heath School in Bournemouth, Dorset. In the last six years, Jo has implemented and managed over 700 iPads, 2 iPad estate refreshes, switched from one MDM system to another, achieved Apple Regional Training Centre and Apple Distinguished School accreditation. Working at a school with excellent tech facilities, a groundbreaking interdisciplinary curriculum, under a visionary head, is a fantastic opportunity to make a difference to our pupils and showcase the wonderful work going on in our school community.
Dr. Steve Bunce
Dr. Steve Bunce is an experienced educator of over 25 years, an author and Apple Professional Learning Specialist. He has taught in primary and secondary schools, including Head of Computing and Senior Leader. In Higher Education, Steve has developed undergraduate teachers, as an associate lecturer. For the Open University, he researched and advised schools on their use of technology. He is a National College of Computer Education Facilitator and Sphero Hero! Steve has a love of learning and uses many approaches when working with schools, including storytelling, robotics and augmented reality, to spark imaginations
Steve Bunce
Apple Professional Learning Specialist
Jo Maule
Talbot Heath School
Luke Holdcroft-Young
Sales Director, Academia
Mathew Pullen
Apple Professional Learning Specialist
Ryan Dutton