Complimentary webinar

Side stepping the trap doors of client onboarding with HiveRisk

Part 2 of 3 - Source of funds enquiries & AML reporting procedures
Join us for the second of a three part series where we will be joined by law firm compliance experts HiveRisk to shine a light on common issues that befall residential conveyancers when onboarding clients.
​​​​​​​Source of Funds enquiries and AML reporting procedures - common pitfalls and errors

How much is enough? - A common question Compliance Officiers get asked about source of funds enquiries.

  • How to conduct accurate and relevant source of funds enquiries

  • AML reporting, making both internal and external disclosures

  • The technology available to assist you with the above checks and how this can help

  • X-Press Legal Services

    Webinar Host

  • Gavin Ball

    Webinar Host

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