VirTra Presents

Active Threat - Active Killer (ATAK)​​​​​​​

About The Webinar
​​​​​​​Cost: $800
​​​​​​​Dates:  October 7-8, 2024
                 January 6-7, 2025
                 April 7-8, 2025
                 July 14-15, 2025
                 October 6-7, 2025

ATAK, an acronym forActive Threat / Active Killer.  is designed to prepare first responders for active threat situations. A critical element of ATAK training is distinguishing between what is an active threat and what isn’t. Upon completion of the course, students will understand the tactics used during an active threat and why they are different than strategies used in a non-active situation.

  • Defining An Active Threat

    You'll be exposed to various situations and will need to determine if it warrants an active threat response, or a slower search and rescue operation.

  • Simulation Training

    This course will take advantage of VirTra's V-300 simulator by using scenarios designed specifically for this course.

  • Human Response

    Learn how the mind and body react to active threat situations.  Understand how you can prepare yourself to maximize the chance of a successful outcome.

  • Lon Bartel


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