Broadcast from FOH - Two Mixes, One Console

Skip the expense, hassle and frustration of setting up a second audio console or DAW for your broadcast mix.

Get a GREAT sounding broadcast mix with the same board you mix for in-house sound.

You don't need a second console with a second volunteer every week. Save your money and your volunteers with this system. 

*Replay is available for registrants if you can't make either time*

  • Works on Most Consoles

    If your console has enough aux sends and a matrix send, you can make this work! Behringer X32/ Midas M32, Allen & Heath SQ Series, QU Series, Avantis, Yamaha consoles, and many more!

  • Set it up to work in the background

    Your volunteers don't have to be pro mixers to make this work.

  • Eliminate the distractions from your broadcast audio

    Give members at home and potential visitors a great experience that's clear, loud enough, and free from distractions.

  • James Attaway

    Church Sound Trainer

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