Teach Online Now!
You must move your course online what?
Teach Online Now!
In this FREE workshop, we'll discuss best practices for:
The principles of digital instruction and pedagogy
How to transform your classroom content into virtual content, including ideas on how to structure your materials, encourage student participation, and hold their attention.
How and when you’ll teach
How to determine whether you’ll teach with video or without, synchronously or asynchronously; we’ll also briefly cover student evaluation methods.
The materials and tools you’ll need
A high-level look at how to use some of tech options you’ve probably been given by your academic institution, and how to fill in the gaps if you don’t have enough support.
Your Host: Stephanie Schwab
Stephanie Schwab is a well-respected veteran of digital education, higher education, and digital marketing. As a PricewaterhouseCoopers higher education consultant, she piloted e-learning solutions for major universities more than 20 years ago, and has continued to innovate in online and digital learning ever since. She’s currently the Director of the Digital Marketing Programme at Harbour.Space, a high-tech university in Barcelona, Spain and Bangkok, Thailand, as well as the CEO of Crackerjack Marketing, a digital marketing agency headquartered in Chicago. She’s also taught at The New School in New York City, where she was one of the first instructors to go live with a fully online course; Loyola University Chicago; and through numerous community organizations and chambers of commerce.