How to Transition to an Aligned Career: The 5 E Process

  • These techniques are not in the books

    You'll learn techniques and strategies you have never come across based on real success stories from my clients.

  • Learn how to network with the decision makers
    I'll teach you techniques on how to reach hiring managers and decision makers for unpublished roles.

  • Negotiate your Total Annual Compensation (TAC) up to 80% higher without having to change industries

    Most people believe that if they change careers, they lose pay. Recruiters take advantage of this. I'll give you strategies on how to capitalize your TAC whether you choose to change industries or not.

  • Blow through unnatural interview processes by dramatically increasing your personability and likability

    Some of the most qualified for the job lose out because they don't come accross as likable - I'll teach you this one hack that almost never fails!

  • You don't have to learn new skills to get a dream job

    So many people default to learning new technical skills to increase their credibility and probability of transitioning to a dream role and yet they still end up failing to do so. My objective is to prove to you that all you need are you existing skills to transiiton to a career that is aligned to you.

  • Ramy Ballout

    Executive Coach & Confidant | The Working Ant Podcast Host & Coach🎙| Leader & Coach at LinkedIn

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