Hosted by the ACFE SA
ACFE SA NPA Event: 13 April 2023
Next-Gen Forensic Analytics for data-driven Investigations
Cognitive analytics is a powerful tool that can provide significant value in an investigation. By using advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques, cognitive analytics can help to analyse large amounts of data and identify patterns and anomalies that might not be readily apparent to human investigators. The value of cognitive analytics in an investigation lies in its ability to quickly and accurately analyse large volumes of data, identify patterns and relationships, and provide predictive insights that can help to prevent fraud and other illicit activities.
The webinar will explore ways in which law enforcement can use cognitive analytics and forensic discovery technology to accelerate the investigation process, enhance accuracy or data results and identifying latent entity relationships in structured and unstructured data.
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Webinar Presenters
Anita Nel
Webinar Host
Prof Antonio Pooe
Webinar Host