Free Webinar
College Essay Guy
How Colleges Evaluate Applications
Thursday, September 28th
4-5:00pm Pacific (7-8:00pm Eastern)
This is a free educational webinar offered by College Essay Guyt.
In this session, former Pomona College Admissions Officer and current College Essay Guy Community Manager Tom Campbell will provide tips and insights on admission officers review college applications.
Specifically, we’ll discuss…
-What happens to a student’s application when they hit submit?
-How exactly do admission officers spend their time when they are reading files and presenting them to their colleagues through committee review?
-Do all colleges review admission files in a similar way?
What is territory management, and how does that influence the admission reading process?
-Committee-Based Evaluation: how does this popular application reading approach work at selective colleges?
-What are the types of things that an admission officer might note or highlight in an application to advocate for that student to be admitted?
-What are “red flags” or points of discussion that can come up in the committee room?
Can't make it live? Register anyways. We'll email a follow-up 1-2 business days after the session with a link to the recording.
Ethan Sawyer
College Essay Guy
Tom Campbell
Community Manager at College Essay Guy
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