Free Webinar

Power of Breathwork, Plant Medicine & Ayahuasca​​​​​​​With Liara Covert

About This Program

Join Sara & Liara as she shares her of the healing power of breathwork, plant medicine and Ayahuasca.

After much travel, moving Down Under from Canada turned my life upside down. A series of initiations ("crises") began unravelling layers of my life that no longer made sense to me.

When my mother discovered her stage 4 cancer, I returned to Canada to support her.  I started a blog, wrote my first of 15 books.  It was also the start of 8 years as co-host Metaphysics & Awareness Radio with Dr. Steven Hairfield, the American Monk, and hosting the Dreambuilders Australia Radio Show, before a stint on Soul to Soul Radio.   Why was I doing all this?  A baffling mystery presented. It pointed to the #5:

  • Why did I meet 5 friends in 5 countries who share my birthday? 
  • Why has 5 been magic for me in bingo, raffles, contests?
  • Why does 5 or multiples show up in addresses, license plates?
  • Why has the longest I lived anywhere as an adult been 5 years?
  • Why do I notice unusual happenings keep occurring at 5:55?
  • Why meet a man abroad who shared my dead sister's name?
  • Why do lots of friends turn out to be twins yet, I only met one?
  • Why was I long fascinated with burials, embalming, epitaphs?
  • Why the deja-vus, repeat dreams, second chances for change?
  • Why be a student au pair for 6-month boy twins & girl?

Decoding what has been showing up in my life led me to uncover how #5 guides me through progressive transformation.

  • Sara Jane

    Webinar Host

  • Liara Covert

    Webinar Host

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