If you stopped promoting your classes, would people still show up to attend them? 

  • Do you have an outlet for facilitation or do you constantly have to be promoting the next class to be able to do what you love?

  • Do you have secure, ongoing sources of income? Or are you starting from scratch each and every time you need money, creating in stops and starts?

  • If you’re ready to streamline your business and look at another possibility, where you could actually make MORE money and promote yourself less, join me for this free masterclass!

  • Lauren Marie M.Ac. Dipl.Ac

    is a certified facilitator, acupuncturist, and mother of young twins.

    Lauren relocated to the Sunshine Coast of Australia after founding a successful wellness center in Denver, CO for 10 years.

    She has run Access Consciousness’ membership program for the past 7 years and has helped dozens of facilitators create and launch profitable online membership programs including Simone Milasas the Worldwide Business Coordinator of Access Consciousness.

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