Free Webinar
Behavior Science & Performance Engineering
For the Rest of Us
This webinar traces the history of Performance Thinking® models and logic all the way back to the Science of Behavior, as taught to Carl by B. F. Skinner at Harvard. It then descreibes how the work evolved into its current plain English form, with the influence of Thomas F. Gilbert and other pioneers in the field of Human Performance Technology, also called Performance Engineering.
Carl's personal mission, since studying with Skinner starting in 1972, has been to make the essentials of behavior science accessible to as many people as possible for the benefit of our species and the planet.
Carl will talk about the evolution, how Performance Thinking has matured, with contributons and validation from hundreds of colleagues and program participants around the globe, to the point where it is now ready for the next phase: widespread dissemination and adoption by thousands, not merely the hundreds who have become certified Practitoners and Coaches over the last 20 years. This will be a bit nerdy, but in plain English, but for those who support evidence-based practices, a backgrounder including key insights.
Dr. Carl Binder, CEO
The Performance Thinking Network
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