Free Workshop for Parents of 7th-12th Graders or College Students

How Your Student Can Win Scholarships, No Matter Your Income & Even If You Received $0 from FAFSA

Parent of a 7th-12th Grader or college student?

Don't resort to student loan debt or your personal savings to pay for college. There are scholarships for every income and every type of background.

​​​​​​​In this 30-minute workshop, Ryan will show you:

  • How your family can still find and win scholarships

    Even if you don't qualify for traditional "financial need" or FAFSA money

  • 3 little-known scholarship strategies

    that will give your family the advantage over 99% of other scholarship seekers

  • The truth behind FAFSA and scholarships​​​​​​​

  • A list of EXACTLY where to start looking for less-competitive awards

    By registering for this class, you agree to also receive emails from Ryan with tips, strategies, encouragement & marketing offers - you can unsubscribe at anytime.

  • Ryan Kelly

    $164,284 Scholarship Winner, Expert, and Coach

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