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Today's Conversation: The Importance of Your Story Guest Cindy Marie

About The Program

We often hear people say, “leave your past in the past”, “let go of your story” and other such sayings.
To be able to “let go”, for many of us, it is also important to acknowledge our past, even reconnect with our inner child so that they feel heard, loved and can heal.
You may have heard people say “children are resilient” but are they or do they just bury what they don’t know how to deal with and is it not why so many of us feel drawn to heal our younger self.
For many of us this is known as our “healing journey” and it is not only a gift to ourselves but when we share it, it can be a gift to others, and can support us to become more resilient as adults.
In this episode Cindy Marie joins Sara Jane to explore ways your story can not only support you but others as well.
If you have questions to ask, experiences to share or you would just like to learn more, join them live and you can share in the live chat

  • Sara Jane

    Webinar Host

  • Cindy Marie

    Webinar Host

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