Free Virtual Event

Google's Search Leak
What E-commerce Brands Need to Change
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​An Exclusive SEO Whiteboard Session

​​​​​​​Thursday, July 18th, 1pm EST/10am PST

About The Whiteboard Session

Google accidently released their entire rule book on how they rank certain websites/pages/keywords was released to the public.

We dissected the documents and mapped out every change that e-commerce brands need to make based on these new findings.
Some things you probably already knew...others might shock you.
In this virtual event, we'll walk through every aspect of the leaked documents that are relevant to e-commerce brands and how they can leverage these new findings. 

This will also be treated as an open conversation with e-commerce SEO experts that have decades of come ready with your questions! 
Everyone will receive our extensive Ultimate E-commerce SEO Checklist
...and 1 lucky attendee will win a FREE SEO Audit ($1,250+ value)

  • What truly are the most important ranking factors?
    Content? Engagement? Backlinks? SALES?!...we'll go through everything that Google focuses on to rank e-commerce brand's websites.

  • Is everything Google has told us in the past true?
    Short answer: NO. A lot of what Google reps have publicly stated is clearly false. We'll explain all of it.

  • Is all content treated the same? What content should you create?
    We'll review exactly how much content to make, what to make, how often to refresh it, how to position it, and tricks to promoting it.

  • What process should you put in place?
    If you want to hear the exact process 7- and 8-figure brands use and even Google themselves'll want to attend this event!

  • Andrew Maff

    Founder/CEO at BlueTuskr

  • Cassidy Burns

    SEO Manager at BlueTuskr

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