Building Fluent Performance: Ergonomics + Effective Practice

Learn principles and actions you can take to develop fluent performance, that combination of quality plus quickness that characterizes true mastery, beyond merely accurate performance.  Dr. Binder spent three decades doing fluency R & D.  Learn the essentials from his research.

​​​​​​​Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Webinar Presenters

  • Dr. Carl Binder, CEO

    The Performance Thinking Network

What You Will Learn In The Webinar

  • How Failing to Measure the Time Dimension Blinds us to Fluency

    When we add time to our assessment of learning and performance, we can see the difference between beginner's and expert performance.

  • How to Remove Ceilings on the Performance We Target for Improvement

    Our procedures and materials (ergonomics) often keep performance at low levels.

  • How to Identitfy Behavior Components that Slow People Down

    Often it is non-fluent bits of behavior, such as those involved in using systems or composing responses to questions, that prevent fluent performance.

  • How to Design Efficient Practice Activities to Accelerate Performance

    As in musical performance or athletics, mastering any type of performance requires practice. Learn how to design effective, efficient practice routines to build fluency.

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