Revolutionizing Finance: Making Wall Street Accessible for All

Increasing Minority Access to Capital 

By increasing minority access to capital markets, we can create an economy where everyone has the opportunity to benefit from their hard work and contribute positively to their community. 

What You Will Learn In The Webinar

  • From Civil Rights to Silver Rights

    The next phase of the civil rights movement: the economic empowerment movement of not only American minorities, but everyone who has not historically had access to build generational wealth. 

  • Disrupting the Status Quo 

    Dream Exchange is in the business of disrupting the status quo by creating a stock exchange dedicated to supporting small business owners and their ability to access early-stage investors and liquidity. 

Webinar Hosts

  • Joe Cecala

    Founder & CEO Dream Exchange

  • Dwain Kyles

    Managing Director of DX Capital

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