How to become a Hypnotherapist

Find out if you can build a new, exciting career as a professional hypnotherapist. Discover what qualifications you need to qualify and how long it takes to train and develop your practice.

Here's what you will discover in this webinar

Paul White and Paul Howard will tell you what's involved in becoming an effective, ethical hypnotherapist. They will explain what sort of issues you will be able to help, and how hypnotherapy creates new beliefs and behaviours in the clients they see.

  • Find out how you can help clients to change their lives

    Changing people's behaviours is a normal part of everday life for a professional hypnotherapist. However, for the uninitiated it seems miraculous​​​​​​​. But they will explain why and how it works.

  • How long is the training? What's involved?
    What is the best type of training? Will you be able to succeed as a hypnotherapist?

  • Everybody that attends live will get a copy of our book

    "How to become a Hypnotherapist" explains how the profession is organised and what training pitfalls you need to avoid. It also contains an extensive list of the research that has been conducted into the efficacy of hypnotherapy.

  • All your questions answered
    You will get plenty of time to ask questions and the two Pauls will try to answer all your questions.​​​​​​​

  • Paul Howard

    Webinar Host

  • Paul White

    Webinar Host

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