Free Webinar

Today's Conversation: Reboot Your Cells and Upgrade Your Life with the Power of Sound
Guest Joanne Bracken

About The Program

Have you ever asked yourself, “Why do I always have to…?” Or maybe you have wondered about a particular fear that you carry that does not make sense in your life. Other experiences may involve communication issues, problems with authority, and feelings of disempowerment.
Our DNA holds the record of every experience we have had in all life expressions as well as the experiences of our ancestors. That’s a lot of information! Our body is like a computer which runs on a type of software that governs our beliefs, actions, feelings, etc. We run on old tapes, and now is a wonderful time in our history as humans to upgrade our software. Working with sound and conscious intention is a powerful tool to rewrite our negative programming so that we are not run by outdated programs. Joanne will demonstrate a simple clearing technique that anyone can use.
Join Joanne, Patricia & Sara to learn more about the power of Sound and how it can expand your life

  • Sara Jane

    Webinar Host

  • Patricia Iris Kerins

    Webinar Host

  • Joanne Bracken

    Webinar Host

  • David Tyrrell

    Webinar Host

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