Free Webinar
Building wealth:Turning Annual Allowances Into Lasting Wealth
The Tax Year End deadline is fast approaching on April 5th!
With this comes a fantastic opportunity to plan ahead and benefit from your annual allowances to make sure you are saving on tax and investing for the future.
Join Neil and Josh as they discuss everything you need to know about Annual Allowances - which ones are available, whether you can utilise them, and how much you can invest. They will also go in depth on how these can help build lasting wealth for your retirement and discuss the short term tax benefits which you will miss out on if you don't act now.
Thursday 30th January @1pm GMT
Webinar Presenters
Neil Jacobs
Head of Fusion Financial
Joshua Shepherd
Financial Advisor, Fusion Financial
What You Will Learn In The Webinar
Annual Allowances - What's available?
Find out what allowances you can benefit from, if they are applicable to you, and how much you can invest into them.
How Annual Allowances work towards building long term wealth
As well as immediate relief, Neil and Josh will discuss how this can compound into a long term strategy for your retirement.
How they can reduce your tax liability
As well as the long term gains, using these allowances can help offset tax, whether for yourself, or your business, and help bring down tax in the future.
Question & Answer session
Always popular - this is YOUR chance to come armed with the burning questions you have about your finances and ask our experts.