Free Webinar

​​​​​​​Digital Investigation in Criminal Cases 

You are invited to attend our webinar: Digital Investigation in Crimical Cases, presented by Simon Young, Digital Investigations Manager. Simon oversees the IntaForensics Digital Investigation unit following over 40+ years of law enforcement and investigation experience across multiple police forces and agencies.  

In this webinar our expert will cover a range of topics relating to digital investigation, including the types and challenges of digital evidence. Case studies are also highlighted to provide a greater context and assist the viewer to discern how to apply such techniques in their current casework.  
This webinar will identify key learning areas including:

  • Why attribution of a defendant to an account or device is key in a case and for establishing links, which may not have been met by the prosecution.  
  • A brief understanding of acquiring data from communications apps such as Snapchat and X, then being able to report on activities which assist the Court in a prosecution case. 
  • To challenge or introduce digital evidence as part of a defence strategy, to confidently present an alternate narrative. 


  • Simon Young

    Digital Investigation Manager

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