Free Webinar

Healing Shame, Silence and Invisibility with Gayle Nowak

About This Program

Common fears around speaking up, claiming space and sharing our true self challenges many people. Add unhealed traumatic experiences into the mix and it's no wonder our past pains interfere with, and sometimes sabotage, the present. Gayle Nowak is a transformational visibility coach, retreat leader and speaker who guides New Earth leaders to stop hiding their true self, unmask their magic and expand their impact. She'll be sharing her own journey around healing visibility wounds -- learning first to take a powerful stand for herself, then for others. 
Hiding out, holding back and hustling may be signs that childhood wounds and subconscious patterns are standing in the way of your dreams, relationships and personal fulfillment. Everyone has past experiences that create patterns we bring into new situations, even when we no longer need them. The good news is that you have the power to transform that past hurt into new energy and fresh results. 
You'll leave the conversation with takeaways that will help you free your energy from the past so you can open up to what you desire and deserve now. 

  • Sara Jane

    Webinar Host

  • Gayle Nowak

    Webinar Host

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