Free Webinar

Pastors: Want More Momentum and Stability This Year?

​​​​​​​Discover how you can make this your church’s best year yet!

If you could have two certainties in your church this year, what would they be?

More than likely, you’d like to know your church is gaining momentum, as opposed to losin
g momentum… and you’d probably also like to know your church is fully aligned with the vision God gave you when you started.

Momentum and alignment.

We believe these are the two necessities in any thriving church . . .

. . . and we want to help show you how you can ensure they are both present in your church this year!

Join the Team for an exclusive FREE 1-hour webinar with Saddleback’s own Pastor Steve Gladen, where we will discuss exactly what you need to breathe a fresh wind of excitement into your church.

​​​​​​​On this webinar call, you'll discover:

  • The Church Strategy You Should Pursue for Stability and Momentum (Used By Over 30,000 Churches)

    There's a number of different strategies you can use to build a church. We'll share with you the ONE strategy Saddleback Church (and many others) have used to see over 670 new believers come to know Christ and be baptized in only 40 days... with 2,200 more people serving in minstry.  

  • 'How to Get Your Entire Church Locked In
    We'll talk about how you can get your entire church excited and engaged like never before as they focus on spiritual growth. From the kids' classes to the small groups, everyone in the church will be working as one!

  • How Church Strategy Has Changed With New Technology
    The past 3 years have changed how the world attends church services and meetings. Will this new technology cause a shift in the way we do church and small groups? We'll discuss this and more on the call!

  • David Perrera

    Webinar Host

  • Brian Uyeda

    Webinar Host

  • Steve Gladen

    Webinar Host

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