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How to Launch Your Career as an Independent Salesforce Consultant

Whether you're looking to make the switch to full-time consulting or make it a side-hustle - this free webinar will help you make the best choice for YOU!
I’m going to teach you how to move away from uncertainty of your career, frustration with corporate world, or fear of the unknown.

Together we will conquer: Uncertainty & Risk of Self-Employment, Client Aquisition & Retention, Work-Life Balance, & much more!

​​​​​​​In this Webinar You'll Learn About...

  • High Demand, Higher Pay

    Salesforce consultants are in high demand due to their specialized skills and expertise. Companies are willing to pay top dollar for consultants who can help them leverage Salesforce to its fullest potential. This course positions you to be that in-demand expert.

  • Flexible Schedule, Limitless Freedom

    Whether you're planning to start a family, travel the world, or pursue further education, Salesforce consulting offers the flexibility to adapt your career to your evolving life stages.

  • Diverse Clientele, Diverse Opportunities

    Work with startups, mid-sized businesses, and enterprise companies across different sectors. Learn how to adapt to different business environments, making you a versatile and sought-after consultant.

  • Roz Burton-Torres

    Host, Salesforce Expert with 15+ Years of Experience

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