Increase visibility and media coverage for your research.


Hey, it's Sheena. I'm the founder of Power Your Research (PYR). I've been featured on PBS, NBC, ABC and all of the major media outlets for my academic work on intercultural and rhetorical communication. No one thought my work had any legs but I leveraged the power of visibility and media coverage to get my work in front of a wider audience.

I'm here to teach you what I've learned over these last 10 years and how I managed to land interviews on the most popular shows around as well as bylines and feature pieces on major national news sites. It doesnt matter what field you are in, you can do it too!

It doesnt matter what stage of your career you are in - from graduate students to full professors you can do it too!

No upselling involved!

Ready to power your research? 

  • Dr. Sheena Howard

    Head Instructor and Founder of Power Your Research

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