The Alpha Plan Process
At Capital A Wealth Management, we believe everyone should be able to live the retirement they’ve always wanted. Our team of professionals can help you create a well-thought-out strategy, using a variety of investments and insurance products and services, to help you address your financial needs and concerns.​​​​​​​

About the Webinar

Prepare for Retirement with the Alpha Plan

This presentation walks you through our four-step process we follow to learn about your goals, then create a customized strategy that helps you achieve them.  We'll also discuss the five key areas of planning in which we focus:

  • Income
    • Income and expense analysis
    • Social Security maximization
    • Longevity protection

  • Investment
    • Assessing risk tolerance
    • Comprehensive institutional money management

  • Tax-Efficient Strategies
    • Assessing taxable nature of accounts
    • Strategizing ways to include tax-deffered and tax-free 
      money in your plan
    • RMD withdrawal strategy

  • Health and Long Term Care Strategies
    • Looking at all aspects of Medicare and supplements
    • Analyzing options for LTC​​​

  • Estate Planning
    • Accept and update beneficiaries
    ​​​​​​​• Have all necessary estate planning documents

Securities offered only by duly registered individuals through Madison Avenue Securities, LLC (MAS), member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory services offered only by duly registered individuals through AE Wealth Management, LLC (AEWM) and Capital A Wealth Management, LLC (CAWM), both are Registered Investment Advisers. MAS and Capital A Wealth Management are not affiliated entities.1987612 - 10/23

​​​​​​​This is intended for informational use only and should not be construed as tax or legal advice. Consult your tax or legal advisor regarding your situation. Our firm is not affiliated with, or endorsed by any government agency.

  • Capital A Wealth Management

    Webinar Host

  • Brandon Domenick, AIF®


  • David Domenick Jr


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