Three Keys to Crisis Intelligence

Join former Intelligence NCO and contractor Mike Shelby as he details the three steps to generating actionable intelligence during a crisis.

Learn how to manage the "fog of war" in the months and years ahead, even if you have no military or intelligence experience.

Your ability to make decisions during an emergency depends on your access to information. No information = bad decisions. In Tuesday night's webinar, you'll learn:

  • Area Study Overview (15 minutes)

    Learn why an Area Study is the foundation for all preparedness and security planning. If you don't understand your local threats and hazards, you're not prepared for them.

  • Intelligence Networks (15 minutes)

    After your Area Study, it's time to start building up your local information sources. Learn how to turn friends and neighbors into "sensors" so you can develop intelligence when you need to act on it.

  • Intelligence Capabilities (15 minutes)

    If you want access to real-time information, you'll need real-time collection.  Learn the four primary collection methods and ways to get started immediately.

  • Q&A Time (60+ minutes)

    I'll be available for another marathon Q&A session because I want to help people master local intelligence. If you're not basing your preparedness and security planning on local conditions (Intelligence), then what are you relying on?

  • Mike Shelby

    Webinar Host

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