Free Webinar


Discover our simple four-step guide to protect your clients' cryptocurrency investments and perform the essential due diligence to avoid asset loss. Adhering to these steps will not only reinforce your role as a reliable financial advisor but also as a careful protector of their wealth, extending well past the term of your professional engagement with them.  - Absolutely Free!

Webinar Presenters

  • Michael Lester

    Webinar Host

What You Will Learn In The Webinar

  • What your client doesn’t know about security can kill them…financially!

    ​​​​​​​There is an Achilles heel in finance, and especially crypto, that most people either don’t know about, or choose to ignore, but ignoring it doesn’t make it go away!  We’ll examine some of the digital risks that your clients face and give you the secrets on how you can advise them to mitigate those risks.

  • You, and your client, aren’t as secure as you think!

    ​​​​​​​In this digital age where many if not most of our investments and finances are online, it is crucial that access is protected.  Many believe that they have taken the right precautions, but our Ethical Hacker and Cybersecurity College Professor will show why they probably aren’t sufficient and let you in on the secrets to advising your clients how to increase their protection.

  • Asset transference isn’t guaranteed.

    Once everything is set up, it’s easy to just believe that transference to beneficiaries will all just happen when the time is right.  Unfortunately, statistics would disagree.  We’ll examine some of the top reasons that transference doesn’t happen, and as always, provide you with a means to ensure that your clients, and their loved ones, don’t become one of the statistics of lost wealth.

  • There are tools available to help you. You just need to know what to look for.

    There are many tools at your disposal.  You may already use some, like eMoney, or Envestnet, and your firm may mandate that you use them, but there are other tools out there that you should be aware of.  We’ll give you the secrets of what to look for when evaluating a tool to ensure that you are giving your clients the best advise possible, and possibly decreasing your own liability!

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