Double Your Dance Scene
The Exact System I Used To Double The Last 3 Dance Scenes I Worked With In Less Than 90 Days!
"...doubled our dance scene..."
The Firehouse 5 went from averaging 32 dancers to 64 dancers on Wednesdays in less than 2 months. We literally doubled our dance scene!
Dan Printz
Teacher/Organizer for The Firehouse 5
in Sacramento, California
" immediate increase..."
Crossroads was averaging 55 dancers at their weekly dances and within 57 days of implementing this strategy they had gained 51 new dancers and grown to averaging over 75 dancers at each dance.
“ following his suggestions we've seen an immediate increase in the interest in our weekly dance. The first week after the class we had 5 new people come to our dance with fliers (and gained 51 newbies in 57 days).
As organizers we've had to do very little extra work, aside from giving our dancers the information to go out and promote our dances themselves. Thank you Andrew!”
Haven Sundstrom
Teacher/Organizer for Crossroads Blues Fusion
in Eugene, OR
"...revolutionized our dance scene..."
Within 3 months of this class, Nova Blues gained over 32 new dancers and went from averaging 25 dancers to 40 each week. Then in the next 2 months, they gained 47 new dancers!
“Not only did he exceed our expectations and his own promises, but he revolutionized our dance scene to be well on it's way to become the community it's always meant to be. This will (and has) dramatically affected the atmosphere, relationships, skill levels, volunteers, and financial resources, as well as allowed our scene to become much more sustainable.
In the short time that Andrew was here, he has positively impacted our dance scene for a life time."
Sandie Simpson
Teacher/Organizer for Nova Blues
in Edmonton, Alberta
Andrew Sutton
Webinar Host