Learn to adapt your testing center team to proctor online exams for your institution at scale.  We'll show you how with one complete cloud-based platform.

Online Exam Proctoring For Higher Ed Testing Services: One Complete Tool

Proctor your own students' online exams with software that is easy to use and designed for Higher Ed Testing Services and Test Center Operations.

You and your team are an important part of testing-- including exam security and student support during the testing session.  As education and training continues to transition to online models, your role is still vitally important.  But how do traditional schools, training programs, and testing centers stay involved as classes and testing move online?

The answer is simple: 
You need a tool that manages all aspects of remote exam monitoring that can turn your department into a valuable resource for your institution's online exams.

  • Create Proctor Availability Schedules and Online Student Registrations

    Typical video conferencing tools aren't designed for managing proctored testing.  With Proctor360's Institutional SaaS platform, creating timeslots and rules for exam scheduling, automating student registration, and assigning proctors to specific exam sessions is easy.

  • Automate The Entire Check-in Process As You Proctor

    Getting a student connected and ready to test is easy with Proctor360's platform.  The student's exam link walks them through the check-in process step-by-step, from ID verification, to camera and screen sharing, to environment check, and right into exam launch.

  • Monitor Multiple Exam Sessions Simultaneously

    Proctor several exam sessions at the same time while each student's session is recorded and archived as a completely distinct session record.  Chat live with the student or even initiate an audio call through their computer to provide additional assistance.

  • Provide Faculty and Academic Review Committees With Secure Access To Exam Session Recordings

    Managing all past exam sessions is simple and so is the process of providing your faculty, deans, or committee members with secure access to any individual session they may need to review-- all from one browser-based solution.

  • Scott Crumpler - Proctor360

    Webinar Host

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