A Comprehensive Discourse on Angels

  • Lesson Description

    Seraphim, cherubim, chariot drivers, living creatures, archangels, messengers, guardians, heavenly beings, holy living ones, wheels, brave ones, amber ones, sons of God, men- angels. They're our protectors, our ministers; those that fight in God's heavenly host and minister around His throne. Some are in the likeness of men while others have four faces and beautiful wings. And even though the Bible does not directly focus on the personal attributes of these spiritual beings (there is no book in the Bible wholly dedicated to the subject of angels), much can be ascertained from the Bible's accounts of their interactions with men and God, as well as their God-given assignments.​​​​​​​

    The thirst for a deeper understanding of angels is an unending pursuit for many that seek after the spiritual and, as a result, great leeway has been given to erroneous interpretations of angels and what they can do and have done throughout the ages. This is especially true where Gabriel is concerned.  In this course, we will dispell many of the myths surrounding angels and learn more directly of the Angel Gabriel'ls call to minister directly to man.

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  • Dr. L. "Doc " Hoffman Hoffman

    Webinar Host

  • Dr. E.Y. Elliott

    Webinar Host

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