Mary and the Eucharist FREE Webinar

Can’t find the right words when you talk about Mary or the Eucharist? 
​​​​​​​Imagine explaining it so plainly that a non-Catholic totally understands you and wants to hear more.

​​​​​​​What You Will Learn In This FREE Webinar

  • The four words that clear up every debate about Mary and the Eucharist.

  • The go-to Scripture verses that support Church teaching.

  • Common mistakes to catch when you talk to non-Catholics.

  • Plus, I’ll give you a Bible cheat sheet and a free digital copy of my book “Thomas Aquinas in 50 Pages,” so you’ll have a reference for everything you’ve learned.

Meet Dr. Taylor Marshall

Dr. Taylor Marshall was a Protestant minister until he studied Catholicism, which led to his conversion. Now he’s a Catholic professor, lecturer and scholar of St. Thomas Aquinas and orthodox Catholic education. He is the author of 11 books and numerous articles and has created over 2,000 videos. 

In 2013, Dr. Marshall launched the
New Saint Thomas Institute to bring the Catholic theological tradition to faithful Catholics in the pews.

He lives in Texas with his wife and eight children.


Click the Register button below to join the next session, or to pick an upcoming time. ➤ 

  • Dr. Taylor Marshall

    Webinar Host

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