ViaCord Educational Webinar: Cord Blood and Tissue Banking
Come learn why more families are choosing to bank their baby's cord blood and tissue as a way to help plan for their families future health, and see if it's right for your family.
Dr. Siman
Cord Blood Banking
What Is Cord Blood and Tissue Banking?
Learn all about the stem cells found in your baby's umbilical cord.
What Is Cord Blood Used For?
Hear how cord blood is being used today to help families, and learn about ongoing reserach using cord blood.
Watch a Family Story
Watch the story of one of the many ViaCord families whose lives have been changed by cord blood.
Chance to win a Graco Pack N Play!
Webinar attendees will be entered into a random drawing to win a Graco Pack N Play that will be shipped directly to the winner!