Are you ready to live diabetes free, say goodbye to medications, and feel your best? 

​​​​​​​The Ultimate Blueprint to
Reverse Type 2 Diabetes in 10 Weeks

It's time someone explains the process to achieve perfect blood sugar...

Most people living with type 2 diabetes are in a constant state of frustration.

The truth is that poor health can be the reason why we are constently stressed and worrying about the future.

If you are struggling with high blood glucose readings, this webinar is for you. 
If you are struggling to implement the information you know you should be implementing, this webinar is for you. 

If you are looking for some expert tips and a chance to ask questions about your specific challenges, this webinar is for you. 

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​It's time to take ACTION, follow a BLUEPRINT, and get RESULTS.

We’ve helped thousands of people around the world start feeling better again, gain energy, lose weight, reduce medications, and reclaim parts of their life that they feared were gone forever.

In this webinar. we will teach you everything there's to know about how to reverse the root cause of your high blood glucose readings.

No more guessing what to eat or how to change your lifestyle.

The proven process will be explained in this free webinar.

What You Will Learn In The Workshop

  • The step-by-step process to reverse the root cause of type 2 diabetes

  • 3 simple lifestyle changes to adopt for long-lasting results.

  • Meal ideas about what to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner that will yield sustainable results

  • 3 quick hacks that will get your blood sugar under control within days

Webinar Hosts

  • Jose Tejero

    Jose is an Exercise Physiologist with a degree in Exercise Science. During his early years in practice, he worked alongside plant-based physicians who treated metabolic conditions with a focus on type 2 diabetes. After observing the positive impact that plant-based diets had on the health of patients, he decided to dedicate his career to promoting the benefits of this approach. In 2020, he co-founded Reversing T2D, a diabetes health platform that helps individuals reverse, manage, and prevent pre- and type 2 diabetes through lifestyle modifications. In his spare time, Jose enjoys training for Ironman distance triathlons and cooking delicious plant-based meals.

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