FREE WPBeginner Workshop!

Build Your Dream WordPress Website
in Just 30 Seconds with AI!

Join the WPBeginner Workshop!

Tired of building a website with pre-built WordPress themes?

​​​​​​​What if I told you that you can build a website in just 30 seconds with Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Sounds too good to be true? Well, it’s not! 

Join our FREE live workshop to learn how to build your dream website in just 30 seconds with AI Assistant! 

With expert guidance from John Turner, Co-Founder of SeedProd, you can easily build a professional website tailored to your specific needs. You'll leave with the knowledge and tools to fully control your website's design.

  • Kickstart Your Design with AI Assistant (& Save Time)

    Learn how to use AI Assistant to make website building effortless. You'll also learn how to use prompts to generate content for your site as you build it. 

  • Customize and Refine Your Layout Without Coding

    Chances are you'll need to tweak the AI design to ensure the website looks the way you want it to. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to tweak it without coding.

  • Take Advantage of All the Advanced AI Features

    Grow your global reach with ChatGPT-assisted translations. Use DALL-E to create original images in seconds. The possibilities are endless.

  • John Turner

    Guest Speaker | Founder, SeedProd

  • Ryan Priddey

    Workshop Host | The WPBeginner Team

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