Taking Control of Your Time as a New Parent

About The Webinar

As a new or repeat new parent, you may find yourself wondering what you ever used to do with your free time before your first or most recent baby was born! With each child, the level of time management complexity increases as do the demands on your time.
The stress of trying to manage everything at home and at work can be overwhelming. We will offer lenses to think about your time in a different way and assess how you can use your time effectively and also create realistic expectations.  During this webinar, we will address:

  • Mindset & expectations.  How to change your mindset around time and manage your own expectations.

  • Short & longer-term planning.  How to create a strategy to approach your work on a monthly, weekly, or daily basis

  • Division of labor & boundary-setting.  Practical tips to define roles and communicate time boundaries.

  • Lori Mihalich-Levin

    Webinar Host

  • Christina Shenvi

    Webinar Host

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