How can I connect with ecotourists when my business is slow or paused?
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​- by Mallika Naguran

Asian Ecotourism Network

Mallika Naguran is the managing editor of Gaia Discovery
​​​​​​​and board member of the Asian Ecotourism Network

It is important to maintain a connection with customers and stakeholders in the midst of crises such as the current coronavirus pandemic.

Why? Because your customers want to hear from you even though you think they do not. So, what are the methods and techniques to communicate? What kind of storytelling is effective?

​​​​​​​This session is meant primarily for ecotourism operators who hope to minimise disruption of their business and to enhance their customer service. Companies in other industries can also benefit from listening to this 45-minute talk.

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