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Become a Globally recognized Advanced Corporate Director.

 Get on your Non-executive Directors' / Executive Directors' Role  with Advanced Corporate Directors' Program.
UK Accredited Certification for your Global Title and Global Profile Outlook.

About The Webinar

This webinar is an only-by-invite event for the ones who received a mail or message invite through us. The webinar is meant to open up global doors for your profile for the Board Level Positions globally. The webinar is meant for the experienced professionals, CXOs, Directors, BU Heads, VPs, Presidents, Consultants and anyone who is interested in contributing to the Corporate Governance along with Environmental and Social aspects of a corporate. 

  • Corporate Governance

    • Importance of Corporate Governance.

    • Role of Directors in Economic Development. 

    • How Good Corporate Governance attracts investments domestically and globally.

    • Becoming a Corporate Director.

  • Advance Corporate Director

    • How to become a Board Director.

    • ​Types of Director Roles you can avail.

    • Fast & defined path for becoming a Board Director. 

    • Top 3 Skills required to get a board position.

    • Remuneration of Board Directors.

    • Global Opportunities on Boards - Listed, Unlisted, NFP, Startups.

    • Certification recognized by 40+ countries. 

    • Premium Benefits disclosed on the webinar. 

  • Benefits:

    • Opportunity to get Certified under the aegis of MCA and SEBI. 

    • Get UK Accredited Certification with Global Title.

    • Get a 360 Degree Profile Outlook for Recession Proof Career.
      Note: Benefits worth more that INR 3 Lakhs+ with no extra cost for Webinar Attendees only. 

  • Directors' Institute - World Council of Directors

    Webinar Host

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