GPD 302- The New Testament Program for the Modern Church

  • The program for the Church has always been the same throughout this Age of Grace. The modern program should be exactly like the original one that made the Church known throughout the Roman world, in a few short years. The New Testament program has not changed. It is the Church that has changed, and it will always be true when there is any change at all. The program for the Church is clearly stated in Scripture, and it is powerfully and supernaturally demonstrated in the lives of the early believers, as recorded in history; so there cannot possibly be any misunderstanding as to what it is if we honestly seek to know the truth. Anyone who can read simple human language can discover such truth by reading the record in the New Testament. This record is one of carrying on the work that Christ Himself started. Many are the Scriptures that reveal the power and success of the early Church. The following brief study of these Scriptures will make clear to any honest-hearted believer what the New Testament program was in the early church and also how it should be continued today in the modern Church. ​​​​​​​

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  • Dr. L Hoffman


  • Instructor Dake


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