Planning in the Moment
​​​​​​​Early Years & Covid-19

About The Webinar

Join Anna Ephgrave, an outstanding early years head, trainer and author as we unpick early years  provision in this challenging time.

As most early years provision remains open the challenges have never been tougher. Anna’s approach allows you to focus on child development, reduce workload and avoid forced structures. 

Webinar focus:
- Vision: What do we mean by happy and engaged?
- Role of the adults: From teachers and assistants to parents and carers. How best to support learning.
- Responsive teaching: How to use planning in the moment in practice.
- Managing your setting: How to engage learners across a range of settings. Resources, activities and play explored.
- Covid-19 ready: What to do if the social bubble bursts and what to do about screen time.

This is a must-see FREE 30 minute webinar for early years practioners.
As a way of thanking you for attending the webinar, you will receive:
​​​​​- A FREE training needs analysis to identify your school's training and development needs.
​​​​​​​- Free access to our new and exciting product, Osiris Digital

  • Anna Ephgrave

    Webinar Host

  • Stephen Cox

    Webinar Host

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