Remote Professional Development: How to Effectively Implement the EEF Recommendations

About The Webinar

Join Leon Hady, a former Headteacher of an 'Outstanding' school and renowned e-learning specialist and Stephen Cox, CEO of Osiris Educational to unpick the NEW EEF guidance on remote professional development . They will offer insights on how to make the best of technology available to get it working across your organisation.

Webinar focus:
- Effective remote professional development practice.
- Remote coaching, mentoring and expert support.
- Using video to enhance professional development
- Interactive content and collaboration.
- The critical enabling of school leaders.

This must-see FREE webinar for school leaders will contain examples, research, advice, demonstrations and hints and tips.
As a way of thanking you for attending the webinar, you will receive:
​​​​​- A FREE training needs analysis to identify your school's training and development needs.
​​​​​​​- Free access to our new and exciting product, Osiris Digital

  • Leon Hady

    Webinar Host

  • Stephen Cox

    Webinar Host

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