The Power of Microaggression 

About the Webinar

You may be the kindest person in the world, but you still have biases. How often have you watched a slow driver and assumed he/she was; old, young, or on the cell phone? These biases affect what you say, even though you may not realize it.
As teachers, we say things without realizing it that affect our students’ sense of self-worth and ability to blossom. It may be as little as asking an adult “what do you do?” The student may interpret this as “I’m retired, and I do nothing.” “I’m only a housewife.” Both statements will attack the student psyche.
This session will explain the nature and power of microaggressions. It will help you stop putting students in boxes and open your eyes to biases you probably didn’t even know you have. Even though you will continue to make these faux pas, you will have a heightened awareness to gracefully recover.

  • MTNA

    Webinar Host

  • Michelle Conda, NCTM

    Michelle Conda is Head of the Keyboard Division at the Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music and member of The National Group Piano/Piano Pedagogy Forum.

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