Free Workshop

Staying Ahead of the Market:
​​​​​​​Essential Hiring Tactics for your Internal Recruitment Teams

About the Webinar

How to negotiate the best deals with your recruitment partners and keep your head above water in a choppy talent market
Have you got a freeze on recruitment spend?

Are you expecting your internal team to fulfill all requirements without external support?
Do you wish your team were more proactive, less administrative?

If these are some of the challenges you see in your team, then this is webinar is a must for you! This session is for anyone who is responsible for hiring internally or managing recruitment supplier relationships where access to partners has been cut. 

Meeta and Carly have over 20 years in agency expertise and will help to guide your team through these challenges so they can navigate the market successfully. They will cover:

  • Candidate control
  • Managing your internal customer
  • ​​​​​​Aligning the narrative and ensuring everyone is on the same page
  • ​​​​​​How to increase your Social Impact and get your D&I ahead
  • ​​​​​​Sector specialist advice for Not for Profits, Financial Services and Management Consultancy
  • ​​​​​​LIVE Q&A, your questions answered
  • Meeta Sahni

    CEO The Maine Group

  • Carly Stephens

    The Maine Group

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