Building Healthy Practice Techniques:
From Injury to Prevention

About the Webinar

As musicians, we all know the importance of daily practice and the constant desire to perfect our craft. But what happens when the desire to practice and perform is thwarted by nagging performance injuries?

Pain issues are an unfortunate reality for far too many musicians. After 6 years of losing the ability to play, Dr. McCain’s muscular strength and performance career was restored through Muscle Activation Techniques. In addition to finding a new solution to performance injury, this technique has revolutionized her piano pedagogy. This session will explore ten practical pedagogical steps you can take to build healthy practice techniques for yourself and students.

  • MTNA

    Webinar Host

  • Artina McCain

    Dr. McCain has a three-fold career as a performer, educator and speaker. Recent performance highlights include a guest appearance with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra. Currently, she is Coordinator of Keyboard Studies at the University of Memphis.

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