“Modeling and Understanding Corrosion Rates on Coated, Structural Steel
The presentation will provide data from both laboratory experiments and test panels exposed in natural environments to demonstrate the learning objectives. As a result, a coating specifier may learn to be more concerned about the relationship of a coating and coating failure on structure life and make better informed decisions about coating selection. Individuals involved in testing materials may be more likely to expand on the data they collect when testing protective coatings.
Attendance will enable registrants to:
1. Describe the importance of focusing on structural integrity and not aesthetics when evaluating the performance of protective coatings used in industrial environments/applications.
2. Recognize that the visual appearance of a coating does not always directly relate to actual surface corrosion, and that, in some cases localized failure of a protective coating on steel can promote more rapid corrosion than uncoated steel
3. Describe the factors associated with substrate corrosion and long term structural integrity and how they inform coating system selection.
Jim Ellor
Webinar Host
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