Malton School – Transforming teaching & learning with Apple technology
Since the coronavirus lockdown began, we have seen a number educational establishments switch to remote learning with ease. Malton School is a fine example, an establishment that has been able to ensure their pupils can continue their studies using a 1:1 iPad scheme. Headteacher Rob Williams commented…
“Thanks to our iPad scheme the school has been able to offer a high-quality learning experience from day one of the lockdown. Every student already had an iPad, paid by parents on a monthly basis, using pupil premium funding to support disadvantaged children, and we were able to ensure that they all had access to the internet, using dongles
Hear from Rob Williams and his team on:
– Why iPad
– How was it financed?
– Engagement with parents
– IT infrastructure
– Workflow
– CPD for staff and students
– Transition to remote learning due to COVID-19
– What might lessons look like in 2021
– Next steps
Tom Able-Green
Webinar Host
Rob Williams
Malton School
Alex Goodyear
Malton School
Helen Wilson
Malton School
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