10 Mistakes All Aspiring and New Coaches/Entrepreneurs Need To Avoid To Be Highly Successful Without Having To Hope For Clients, Wasting Time & Money.

  • Why coaching is a life line for humanity

    How did coaching emerege as a career and how much it is needed in our current society, the reasons why.

  • The mistakes to avoid when choosing which type of coaching to specialize in.

    Due to the many branches in the coaching field, it is essential to know which one to specialize in in order to be highly effective.

  • The mistake to avoid when setting up a Coaching  Business.
    Setting up a coaching practice is an entire different game comparing to learning how to deliver the actual coahing service. Learn how to do so.

  • The secrets behind making money in a coahing career even before having a website 
    What if you could make moeny already from week 2 latest after having discovered your passion for coaching. I'll let you in on the secret.

  • Steven Dossou

    Webinar Host

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