The Seasons of Your Business
With TCM Five Element Theory

​​​​​​​Align your work & business with the rhythms of nature.

​​​​​​​Learn from Dr. Mercy Southam, Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and founder of Eir Mobile Medicine, about how to apply ancient TCM practices to enhance your modern life.

​​​​​​​These teachings can be applied to businesses in all stages.

This class will cover:

  • A clear understanding of TCM Five Element Theory and Seasonality.

  • The best practices and tasks to complete during each season.

  • How the seasonal energetic shifts can impact your work, and how to efficiently use these natural energies to grow your business.

  • A live Q&A with Dr. Mercy!

  • Dr. Mercy Southam

    Doctor of Chinese Medicine, Founder of Eir Mobile Clinic

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