【公司法之美 系列 002堂】免费线上直播教育课程​​​​​​​

(星期三) 2024年8月14日 10am - 1pm​​​​​​
特别为公司老板,企业老板,公司股东, 公司董事,公司秘书和想细品【公司法之美】的平民百姓 举办的线上直播教育课程
~ 正本清源 ~ 好文分享 ~ 沉浸式学习​​​​​​​

S85 & S223 CA2016: 
​​​​​Apex Court’s decision on shareholders’ pre-emptive rights is principled yet pragmatic

原创作者: 许统义律师 (Mr. Philip TN Koh), Wong Tat Chung, Yeap Chi Cheng & Alica Ng
文章出处: The Edge Malaysia 26 Mar 2024

​​​​​​​Disclaimer: This is a business awareness & educational webinar and participant acknowledges that they will seek independent professional advice in respect of their business and company.

  • EvannaMiss8

    Webinar Host

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